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What A Ball Can Do! - Video Update

There was a screaming social media post by UEFA Foundation For Children on their verified handles of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to mention but a few about the power of a soccer ball.

Source Of Joy: The banana fibre soccer balls are easy to make, very accessible and remain the primary source of joy for the little ones in the native and remote areas of Uganda.

“The ball has a universal power to give joy and strengthen friendship all around the world. @aliguma_found in Uganda, @enfantsdudesert in Morocco, @youthorama.official all over the world and @AsociacionAlacran1997 in Spain,” stated the post that has continued to go viral.

Life Experience: CEO Ritah Aliguma saw first hand the amount of excitement that two balls brought to the pupils of Bigando Primary School in Miirya Sub County, Masindi District.

And we at Aliguma Foundation are not only happy to have been mentioned in the post but also delighted that UEFA have the confidence in us to continue to be willing preachers of the good things that the beautiful game of soccer can bring to the smallest of communities and the whole world in general.

Living testimony

As we celebrate our fourth anniversary since our initiation, we are a true living testimony of how much joy we have been able to give the several communities of the less-advantaged that we have impacted on.

“Spending my days in remote schools sensitizing them on menstrual Hygiene under "The Ndi Mwana – The Cry Of A Girl Child” has opened up my eyes to see first-hand what the children go through,” said Ritah Aliguma, who is also the CEO of Aliguma Foundation.

“It’s quite unbelievable that kids in remote schools lack knickers, sanitary pads and end up missing school during their menstrual periods and some drop out completely. We are not only sensitizing the girls, but also involving the boychild to help their sisters, mothers, aunties and future children.”

A ball matters

The outspoken founder adds; "We also encourage school teachers to involve kids in sports activities and thus giving out balls to whichever schools we go to. You have got no idea what a ball means to a remote school! They still use balls made from banana fibres and old polythene bags. Giving them a ball is like giving them a whole new world.”

Going Viral: The UEFA Foundation For Children post on social media that highlighted the importance of a ball in uniting people from different spheres and walks of life.

At AF, we continue to thank UEFA Foundation for Children United Nations Human Commission for Refugees - the UN Refugee Agency and several well wishers for the great donations of sanitary pads and soccer balls that have given so much joy to the less-privileged.


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