ALIGUMA FOUNDATION have taken the mantle in giving an improved livelihood to the less-privileged and disadvantaged ones; male and females in Acholi Quarters – a refugee base in the outskirts of Kampala in, Kireka-Banda off Kinawataka Road in the neighbourhood of another slum-laden hideous place called Kasokoso.
Previously ALIGUMA FOUNDATION has been all about women emancipation and changing lives through sports. But it was always going to be hard to look away when the pertinent issues and ills concerning the GIRL-CHILD happened right under the eyes and noses of the foundation officials and committed partners.
CEO Ritah recalls; “During the 2019-2020 Slum Soccer final, we met a mother-less nine-year-old who had been raped by a biological uncle. It was a horror sight. She was bleeding and she had a terrible stench.”
There was no turning back from that forgettable incident and a plan had to be mooted to incorporate the Girl-Child Awareness campaigns into the foundation’s ever-increasing activities.
“One of our coordinators reached out to me and told me about the young girl’s plight. The little girl disclosed to us that her uncle was sleeping on top of her and he promised to kill her if she ever told anyone. That was arguably my most painful moment since I start associating with the slum community in 2017,” reveals Ritah.
“We reported this case to the community police and community leadership. Unfortunately, the so-called uncle is still on the run until now.”
For the ALIGUMA FOUNDATION, there was no turning back as the officials took the girl under the wing and ensured proper counselling and rehabilitation.
“We offered her proper education through one great school that has offered us scholarships. She has become more confident and she’s getting better each day!! It's from this that we started the girl-child campaign!” adds Ritah.
Can we all say NO TO RAPE? Can we all be protective?? Can we all be responsible citizens!! This girl is an orphan, why would a sane human being take advantage of such an innocent soul!! Can we bring hope to the girl child?????? Please let’s all join this campaign.
Don’t miss our flagship awareness campaign event this Saturday May 29, 2021 at Palm Church in Acholi Quarters. There will be lots to learn from a host of knowledgeable speaks and some of our essential partners.
Also do generously contribute to the Sanitary Pads project.